
authorizations 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释

And in terms of appropriated funds , the authorizations are only a hunting license to get appropriations .
I spent about an hour with him , and my sense was that he 'd be picking up the phone and calling the secretary to have those authorizations rescinded .
In this respect , sunset laws would have resembled budget authorizations that are limited to a fixed period of time .
The seller must obtain at his own risk and expense any export license or other official authorizations and carry out , where applicable , all customs formalities necessary for the export of the goods .
The institutions should implement pre-inspections before shipment within the scope of authorizations and at the designation of siqsaq and the inspection and quarantine administrations under the direct control of siqsaq .
The local administrations at all levels are responsible for annual inspections over markets registered with them and inspections over markets to which they have jurisdictions by authorizations from the administration for industry and commerce at the upper level .
No. first of all , some agencies have expired authorizations .
The shootings and bombings by the israeli army in the gaza strip do not allow for the arrival or departure of msf teams , even if authorizations have been provided by israeli authorities .
Article 25 the military trading companies that violate article 21 and article 22 of the regulations will be penalized by the relevant state authorities according to the laws and administrative regulations . The state bureau of military products trade can request the sacmpt to revoke the military export authorizations granted to such military trading companies .
And they trust that authority to make access control authorizations .