ata 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Are you working ata junkyard now ?
- 你现在是不是在旧车回收厂工作?
- Seti is hoping to rustle up some more money to get the ata running again .
- seti希望凑集到更多的钱让艾伦望远镜重新运转。
- Why would the mob , or anyone , stash bodies ata marine bombing range ?
- 一个强盗或者是别的什么人为什么要在海军陆战队的轰炸现场弃尸呢?
- He took in the scene ata glance .
- 他看了一眼那里的景色。
- Can 't object ata deposition .
- 你不能在取证时提出反对。
- Ata acquisition systems have found wide application in modern radars .
- 数据采集系统在现代雷达中获得了广泛的应用。
- Some 95 % of truckers are men , said the ata .
- 美国货运协会称,大约95%的卡车司机都是男性。
- What 's she doing ata moment like this ?
- 她这个时候了还在干什么?
- His only problem there is that he suggest that ata and other groups put up money for loan guarantees .
- 他唯一的问题是,他没有表明,阿拉木图和其他团体提出了贷款担保资金。
- The ata said 44.3 million people were scheduled to fly in that period , up 3 % over 2009 .
- 该协会说,4430万人打算在此期间乘飞机出行,较2009年增加了3%。