Asus 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- It provides value for money and is a worthy competitor for Asus .
- 它物有所值,是华硕产品的有力竞争对手。
- So here come premium gadget PDA Smartphone from ASUS , that also has limited release worldwide .
- 所以来到这里的溢价小的PDA手机来自华硕,这也限制了全世界发布。
- Casetek also supplies to brands including Hewlett-Packard and ASUS , according to an analyst in Taipei .
- 据台北的一名分析师表示,铠胜也是惠普(hp)、华硕(asus)等品牌的供货商。
- An overview on applications of film condenser / reboilers used in large ASUs
- 大型空分膜式冷凝蒸发器的应用评述
- Internal compression or external compression ── opinions on selecting processes for large ASUS
- 内压缩还是外压缩&关于如何选择大型空分设备流程的一些看法
- A number of companies , including ASUS , are considering using the Qualcomm chipsets for future netbooks .
- 目前,包括华硕在内的许多厂商已经开始考虑使用高通公司的这款产品来组建自己的上网本产品。
- Analyzing ASUs employing nitrogen expansion and liquefying process and their operating features
- 空分设备氮气膨胀液化流程分析及操作特点
- How is the Green ASUS concept manifested in ASUS\'product designs ?
- 绿色华硕概念怎么被体现在其产品设计里?
- The ASUS Bamboo Series notebook puts users in touch with nature with its natural fibers and natural scent .
- 华硕竹系列笔记本通过它的天然纤维和自然气味使用户和与自然亲近。
- The ASUS transformer is a Windows 8 PC with a detachable 18-inch screen that doubles as an Android Tablet .
- 华硕(ASUS)的变形金刚(Transformer)是一台配备了可拆卸屏幕的Windows8PC机,18英寸的显示屏是Android平板的两倍大。