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- We have begun to see redundancies and more are expected , Mr Baxter said .
- 我们开始看到有律所裁员,预计今后裁员会更多,巴克斯特表示。
- \' After an overnight shift , your mind is expansive , \' Dr. Baxter says .
- 巴克斯特医生说,在上了一整夜的班后,你的思路拓展了。
- Steven Baxter , writing on the UK-based news website New Statesman , agrees .
- 史蒂文•巴克斯特在英国新闻网站《新政治家》发表文章赞同这一观点。
- Evan baxter : if thats true , im going to be so pissed .
- 埃文巴克斯特:如果真如你所说,那么我会非常地生气。
- Mozambique still needs international aid and has not fully recovered , says Baxter .
- 莫桑比克仍然需要国际援助,还没有完全恢复,Baxter说。
- And you hired Keefer , and this man Baxter , to help you ?
- 这样你雇了基弗和那个男人巴克斯特来帮你吗?
- Tom baxter : cecilia , it \'s clear how miserable you are with your husband .
- 汤姆巴克斯特:塞西莉亚,很明显你和你丈夫在一起是多么可怜。
- The decline of the family farm affects rural areas like this , says Mayor Randy Baxter .
- 家庭农场的减少就是受这个的影响,“巴克思科公司老总说。
- \' She has waited a long time for her brother and sisters , \'said Mrs Baxter .
- “她(爱丽丝)早就盼着她的弟妹们的到来了。”母亲巴克斯特夫人说。
- Immediately , Collins was on his feet , wheeling about in time to greet Hannah baxter .
- 柯林斯连忙站起来,转过身去向仅纳?巴克斯特问好。