
applicators 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- In addition to makeup , makeup applicators should be replaced regularly as well .
- 除了化妆品本身,上妆工具也应该定期更换。
- We want to buy biological products for orthopaedic applicators .
- 我们要采购生物制品骨科。
- If records in the announcements do not consist with relevant contents in the administrative punishment decisions , they shall make alteration and inform the applicators ; if records in the announcements consist with relevant contents in the administrative punishment decisions , they shall inform the applicators .
- 公告的记录与行政处理决定的相关内容不一致的,应当给予更正并告知申请人;公告的记录与行政处理决定的相关内容一致的,应当告知申请人。
- Ability to attract , motivate and manage applicators .
- 有吸引、鼓励和管理施工商的能力。
- Accept frequent business trips to support the applicators on site .
- 能接受频繁去施工商现场提供支持。
- Animation of technical training to sales , technical staff and to external applicators .
- 为销售、技术人员及外部人员做生动的专门技术培训。
- Recordkeeping on restricted use pesticides by certified applicators ; surveys and reports .
- 已认证申请者对限用杀虫剂的记录;调查和报告。