

n.分部( subsection的名词复数 );分段;小部分;小单位

subsections 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释

The following subsections describe how to set this tuning option in the gui and at the command prompt .
The first and second subsections of the preceding paragraph are not applicable to legal consultations .
Coating shall be repaired in accordance with the following subsections .
Results the distribution , ecological enviroment and medicinal parts of 25 species , 1 subspecies and 6 varieties of 12 subsections have been reported .
From the sides of the necessity of subsection 's report , the mainly matter and countermeasure , the subsections confirmation , this paper discusses how to analyze the subsection 's report .
In its obfuscations , half-truths and omissions it is perhaps no worse than the budget proposed by the supposedly " small government " republicans , which likewise concentrates on harsh cuts to small subsections of government spending .
This means that even subsections of databases can be migrated from high-speed , low-capacity fibre channel drives to lower-speed but higher-capacity sata drives .
Clearly and logically organized into three main parts , mind , body and spirit , the book then is divided into subsections including divination and prophecy , energy therapies and earth mysteries .
Each country is ranked on 89 variables sorted into eight subsections : economy , entrepreneurship , governance , education , health , safety , personal freedom and social capital .
All the real work is passed using emergency provisions and is tucked into subsections of innocuous bills . ( The bank bailouts were put in the paul wellstone mental health act . )