
v.预感( anticipate的现在分词 );预见;预料;先于…行动
anticipating 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- With a three-month lead-in time for the production of semiconductors , that is a signal that producers are anticipating stronger demand .
- 由于半导体的生产有三个月的投产准备阶段,这意味着生产商预料需求将会走强。
- Erica anticipating this chose an appetizer that could be easily forked and a main dish that didn 't require cutlery expertise .
- 埃丽卡预料到了这一点,她点了一份方便用叉子的开胃菜,还有一盘不需要用到太多餐具技巧的主菜。
- It is only by anticipating the consequences of this coming unholy alliance between internet companies and intelligence agencies that our freedoms can be defended .
- 只有预料到互联网公司和情报机构之间正在结成的“邪恶同盟”会产生何种后果,我们才能捍卫自己的自由不被侵犯。
- People familiar with the transaction say the deal was likely to have stirred up concerns under any circumstances but that bain did a poor job anticipating the government 's reaction .
- 熟悉此笔交易的消息人士称,在任何情况下,这笔交易都可能会引发忧虑,但贝恩资本在预料政府的反应上做得相当糟糕。
- Investors have long expected greece to default on its debts , but most were anticipating it would happen sometime next year .
- 投资者一直预计希腊会在债务上违约,不过大部分人预料违约明年才会发生。
- But his genius at anticipating what millions of consumers would want next from their digital devices , and at shaping the conditions that would create feverish excitement for each successive apple advance , were unparalleled .
- 然而,他能够预见到无数消费者想从他们的数字设备中得到什么新东西,他能够创造条件为苹果的每一个进步赢得狂热的追捧他的这种天赋是无以伦比的。
- Driving more smoothly by anticipating manoeuvres and then braking and accelerating lightly not only uses less fuel but also tends to make drivers more alert to avoiding potential accidents .
- 通过预见操丛使行驶更加平稳,然后刹车并稍微加速,这些措施不仅耗燃料更少,而且倾向于使司机更加警觉,从而避免发生许多潜在的事故。
- For those who think of the market as a person , investment skill is understanding mr market 's psychology and anticipating , a little faster than others , his changing moods .
- 对于那些将市场看作人的投资者来说,投资技巧就是了解“市场先生”的心理,比别人稍微快一些预见到他情绪的变化。
- The singapore exchange , anticipating wider use of the chinese currency in the city-state , has said it stands ready to list , trade , clear and settle securities denominated in renminbi .
- 新加坡交易所(singaporeexchange)已预见到人民币在该国的使用范围将会扩大,并表示已做好了人民币计价证券的上市、交易、清算和结算的准备。
- For instance , driving more smoothly by anticipating manoeuvres and then braking and accelerating lightly not only uses less fuel but also tends to make drivers more alert to avoiding potential accidents .
- 举例来说,通过预见操丛使行驶更加平稳,然后刹车并稍微加速,这些措施不仅耗燃料更少,而且倾向于使司机更加警觉,从而避免发生许多潜在的事故。