
n.托付货物( consignment的名词复数 );托卖货物;寄售;托运
consignments 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Even when illegal consignments are found , it 's difficult to identify , let alone prosecute , the smugglers .
- 即使是发现了非法的货物,也很难以此一例认定、起诉走私犯。
- At the start of november 1773 a public letter summoned merchants expecting tea consignments from the east india company to the liberty tree .
- 他们在1773年11月初写了一封公开信给那些等着东印度公司茶叶到货的商人,召集他们到“自由树”下集会。
- This relates to the more subtle second lesson from asian art week : the importance of longevity , experience and personal contacts in securing the best consignments .
- 关系到从亚洲艺术周汲取的第二个更微妙的教训:资历、经验和人际关系对获得顶尖拍品方面的重要性。
- On friday , the government had partially relaxed the restriction on cotton exports by allowing shipments of the consignments for which paperwork had been completed by march 4 , the day before the ban was imposed .
- 上周五,政府允许在3月4日(即颁布禁令前一天)之前手续都已办妥的棉花交易发货,这可以说是对棉花出口禁令的部分放宽。