The family must subsist on a single income while still paying the taxes that finance public schools .
A few anti-ageing zealots already subsist on near-starvation diets , but dr levine 's results suggest a similar effect might be gained in a much more agreeable way , via vigorous exercise .
But toxic elements , such as brominated flame retardants and lead in circuit boards , batteries and other components , along with caustic acids and burning methods used to dismantle the old electronics , pose serious environmental and health risks for the communities that subsist on the e-waste industry .
The government hopes that jobless migrants will return to their home villages , where they or their families still enjoy a tiny land entitlement on which they can subsist , or find work closer to their hometowns .
It would require a shift away from the widespread use of pesticides that unintentionally impact bees and the large-scale agriculture that forces them to subsist on a single type of flower rather than their usual diverse diet .
As latin americans we are happy that you have decided to focus on this matter because capitalism denies the very essence of humanity and can lead many people who subsist in poor conditions to a sense of hopelessness and despair .
During his tenure , the percentage of venezuelans living in extreme poverty those who subsist on $ 1 a day or less has been halved , government statistics show .
Many already subsist on the mere threshold of survival .