

v.使成为敌人( antagonize的过去式和过去分词 );引起…敌对[对抗];对…起反作用;中和

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The official antagonized the leader of his own party by accusing him of cowardice .
Nero antagonized the upper class , confiscating large private estates in italy and putting many leading figures to death .
How-ever , the theoretical research is still sometimes ignored , neglected and even antagonized in the pre-schooleducation academia .
A study on captopril antagonized osteoporosis induced by retinoic acid in mice and it 's dose-response effects .
Antagonized by rifampin , rifapentine , phenytoin , phenobarbitone , carbamazepine , st. john 's wort .
That policy only harmed u. s.interests while failing to advance democratic values in iraq , and it antagonized regional partners ( saudi arabia ; turkey ) as well as global players with interests to protect .
" The japanese attack on pearl harbor brought the united states into the war in such a way that it was fully mobilized and fully antagonized and eventually it 's going to have a major influence in both theaters of the war , " he told me .
Kim jong il presided over a long-suffering isolated nation antagonized the western world indulged himself while millions starved and funneled much of the country 's meager funds into military spending and the pursuit of nuclear weapons .
In it , he antagonized u.s. justice department attorney david boies , correcting him on the alleged differences between a " memorandum " and an email , asking for prior questions to be restated and instructing boies -- not always civil himself -- on how to do his job better .
Procrastination at the top during a crisis antagonized the board of directors .