


andrew 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Andrew jackson invented the spoils system to reward supporters with government jobs .
- 安德鲁杰克逊赋予支持者以政府职位首创了政党分肥制。
- Not necessarily , argues andrew lawrence of barclays capital .
- 然而巴克莱资本公司安德鲁劳伦斯认为并不一定是这样的。
- Unfortunately , andrew 's story is far from unique .
- 遗憾的是,像安德鲁这样的故事如今并非罕见。
- Andrew fielding huxley made three crucial discoveries in physiology and biophysics .
- 安德鲁菲尔丁赫胥黎在生理学与生物物理学领域做出了三项重要发现。
- Cnn : you and andrew garfield were confirmed for the sequel .
- cnn:你和安德鲁加菲尔德在续集中确定会合作。
- In contrast , andrew lansley at health is in serious trouble .
- 相较之下,卫生部的安德鲁兰斯利可是捉襟见肘。
- Andrew pointed excitedly to one of the long , low sandbanks .
- 安德鲁兴奋地指着其中一个长长的低沙滩。
- Van buren had been very close to the outgoing president , andrew jackson .
- 范布伦与即将离任的总统安德鲁.杰克逊的关系非常密切。
- Mrs reagan also attended the wedding of prince andrew to sarah ferguson in 1986 .
- 里根夫人在1986年的时候也参加过安德鲁王子与萨拉弗格森的婚礼。
- Banking billionaire andrew beal fixed used tv sets and sold them door-to-door to poor families .
- 银行业百万富翁安德鲁比尔修理二手电视,然后挨家挨户推销给贫穷家庭。