
[ˈælkəlɪn, -ˌlaɪn]



alkaline 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- I pick up some cheap batteries at a store and I just assume they are alkaline .
- 如果我在超市里买了便宜的电池,我就会把它们当做碱性电池来看待。
- Hazenite is a mineral formed by microbes in the highly alkaline mono lake in california .
- 海森矿是由生存在加利福尼亚州莫诺湖这个强碱性水域中的微生物形成的。
- The saliva of herbivores is alkaline , which helps pre-digest plant foods .
- 食草动物的唾液则是碱性的,这有助于植物性食物的辅助消化。
- In dr. dawson-hughes 's new study , an alkaline supplement lowered the amount of calcium that volunteers excreted by 20 percent .
- 道森休医生的一项新研究发现,在实验志愿者的饮食中添加碱性辅食能把他们排泄的钙降低20%。
- Since congress passed the mercury-containing battery management act in 1996 , most disposable alkaline batteries contain little or no mercury .
- 自1996年,国会通过了《水银电池管理法案》,大多数可任意使用的碱性电池几乎不再含有水银成分了。
- Because alkaline conditions damage cells , so-called alkaliphiles pump protons across their cell membranes to reduce the ph inside their cells .
- 因为碱性环境破坏细胞,所谓的嗜碱生物通过细胞膜大量吸收质子以降低其细胞内部的ph值。
- I love that wikipedia page on energy density . Not only is it useful , it shows you just how terrible alkaline batteries are .
- 我很喜欢维基百科上关于能量密度的页面,因为它不仅很有用,而且它让你知道碱性电池有多糟糕。
- One is " water cremation " or alkaline hydrolysis , where a corpse is placed into a heated solution of water and potassium hydroxide .
- 其中一项技术叫做“水葬”或者碱性水解,就是将尸体放在加热的氢氧化钾水溶液中。
- Can an alkaline diet be harmful ?
- 碱性食谱有害吗?
- Alkaline diets promote the exclusion of many foods .
- 碱性食谱谋划排除很多食物。