

n.<律>宣誓书,(经陈述者宣誓在法律上可采作证据的)书面陈述( affidavit的名词复数 )

affidavits 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释

Dimon acknowledged to me that in chase affidavits individuals incorrectly said they had reviewed loan files when in fact they relied on the work of others .
In their eagerness to unload such loans banks have rushed to foreclose submitting many thousands of improper affidavits .
The documents included affidavits from roughly a dozen of his former teammates , all of whom accused him of doping .
We already have 10 signed affidavits and notations on the amount of thimerosal to body weight of the fetus .
She said she didn 't want to be deposed , and I told her some women had avoided questioning by filing affidavits saying that I had not sexually harassed them .
A refusal to rely upon affidavits and written reports in such hearings could defeat the basic purposes of the programs .
Tom miller the iowa attorney general who is leading a 50-state inquiry says banks should follow the letter of the law ; the point of requiring proper affidavits he notes is to ensure that banks bent on foreclosing submit reliable evidence to the courts .
Counselor , if those affidavits are legitimate , you shouldn 't have an objection .
Courts have been approving foreclosures without requiring that mortgage servicers produce appropriate documentation ; instead , they have relied on affidavits asserting that the papers are in order .
One senatorial candidate in taraba state , rima shawulu , was advised that he would need 50000 sworn affidavits to prove that his constituency did not vote for the candidate who was declared the winner .