

accrete 变化形式
第三人称单数: accretes
过去式: accreted
过去分词: accreted
现在分词: accreting
accrete 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Erect or twine a cane this , do not have stipule or stipular and alar as accrete as xie bing .
- 竖立或缠绕藤本,无托叶或托叶翅状并与叶柄合生。
- Configuration feature : erect or twine a cane this , do not have stipule or stipular and alar as accrete as xie bing .
- 形态特征:竖立或缠绕藤本,无托叶或托叶翅状并与叶柄合生。
- Object-oriented programming offers a sustainable way to write spaghetti code . It lets you accrete programs as a series of patches .
- 面向对象编程提供了一种可行的方式去获得意大利面条式的代码,它允许你把一系列代码碎片拼合成程序。
- This delay would have left less time for matter to accrete onto the centers of galaxies before cosmic expansion diluted it .
- 这一延迟使得在宇宙发生膨胀把物质驱散之前,没有足够时间让它们来得及在星系中心积聚。
- Namely that magnetic friction is central to understanding how black holes accrete matter rapidly .
- 即磁场摩擦是理解黑洞如何快速吞并星际物质的核心。
- Daylighting is good , ventilated very comfortable accrete work lives !
- 光线好,通风好适合生活栖身!
- Accrete silkworm goose covers sang cao raise compound grow mode .
- 蚕鹅套养复合种养模式。
- Accrete aesthetics thoughts on present aesthetics .
- 共生美学--对当代美学的思考。
- There exists one kind of natural and accrete relationship between city commercial bank and small business .
- 城市商业银行与小企业有着天然的、共生共荣的联系。
- The network of accrete of industry of industrial assemble region of circular economy perspective and run mode .
- 循环经济视角的产业集聚区工业共生网络与运作模式。