
abusing 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- They see their posts - which sometimes include fantasies of beating and abusing children - as a welcome alternative to the unrealistic standards of parental perfection pushed by the media .
- 受网络媒体的影响,他们认为天底下没有尽善尽美的父母,而发表博客有时内容会涉及诸如幻想对孩子进行毒打和虐待是个不错的办法。
- What few people know about him is that he has left behind a trail of emotional destruction , having spent decades abusing vulnerable individuals for his own twisted purposes .
- 对于他很少有人知道的是:他留下了一长串的情绪毁灭性行为,为了他自己扭曲的目标,用了几十年虐待易受攻击的个人。
- With the support of her husband and family , sarah is pressing charges against her brother who has been physically abusing her for years .
- sarah的兄弟多年来虐待殴打她,她在丈夫和家庭其他成员的支持下向法院提起诉讼。
- Human-rights groups have accused soldiers of abusing and brutalizing civilians in the country 's east , where the government is trying to rein in militia and rebel groups .
- 人权组织指责士兵在东部地区凌辱和虐待平民,政府在东部地区试图严控民间武装组织和反政府组织。
- She recently recounted how her son , jeremy , 12 years old at the time , came home one day and asked why she had been abusing him for so long .
- 汉密顿夫人最近叙述了她的儿子杰尔米在12岁那时,有一天回到家问她为什么要虐待他这么长时间的情形。
- And I think the self-centeredness that allows us to keep abusing animals is the same outlook that allows us to buy houses that we can 't afford or trick other people into buying houses that they can 't afford .
- 我认为使我们能够不断虐待动物的以自我为中心的观点,与使我们买支付不起的房子,或哄骗他人买他们无力支付的房子是同样的世界观。
- The wbi research shows that about three-quarters ( 72 % ) of bullies are bosses , and one reason they get away with it is that , in most states , abusing employees is not illegal unless the mistreatment is demonstrably based on age , sex , race , or religion , so it flies under the radar of corporate human resources and legal departments .
- WBI研究显示,约有四分之三(72%)的职场恶霸都是公司领导,而他们之所以没有受到惩罚,是因为在美国许多州,虐待员工并不违反法律,除非这种虐待明显涉及年龄、性别、种族或宗教信仰,所以公司的人力资源和法律部对他们的行为也就视而不见了。
- But they also protect demented inmates from prisoners who try assaulting , abusing or robbing them .
- 他们也保护患有痴呆病症的犯人,防止其他囚犯侵犯,虐待或抢劫他们。
- Judges are discouraged from abusing contestants and voting is restricted .
- 评委被禁止辱骂参赛者,投票也被禁止了。
- There 's nothing clever at all about abusing my mailbox or the trust of those who read it .
- 虐待我的邮箱或玩弄那些收信人对你的信任根本不是什么聪明人会干的事。