

v.妄用( abuse的现在分词 );虐待;辱骂

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They see their posts - which sometimes include fantasies of beating and abusing children - as a welcome alternative to the unrealistic standards of parental perfection pushed by the media .
What few people know about him is that he has left behind a trail of emotional destruction , having spent decades abusing vulnerable individuals for his own twisted purposes .
With the support of her husband and family , sarah is pressing charges against her brother who has been physically abusing her for years .
Human-rights groups have accused soldiers of abusing and brutalizing civilians in the country 's east , where the government is trying to rein in militia and rebel groups .
She recently recounted how her son , jeremy , 12 years old at the time , came home one day and asked why she had been abusing him for so long .
And I think the self-centeredness that allows us to keep abusing animals is the same outlook that allows us to buy houses that we can 't afford or trick other people into buying houses that they can 't afford .
The wbi research shows that about three-quarters ( 72 % ) of bullies are bosses , and one reason they get away with it is that , in most states , abusing employees is not illegal unless the mistreatment is demonstrably based on age , sex , race , or religion , so it flies under the radar of corporate human resources and legal departments .
But they also protect demented inmates from prisoners who try assaulting , abusing or robbing them .
Judges are discouraged from abusing contestants and voting is restricted .
There 's nothing clever at all about abusing my mailbox or the trust of those who read it .