
v.离弃( abandon的现在分词 );放弃;遗弃;陷入
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- But none of this meant abandoning the moral high ground .
- 但所有这些都不意味着放弃道德高地。
- There were times when some even considered abandoning the island .
- 有时候,一些人甚至考虑要放弃这个岛屿。
- That 's like abandoning stocks because they 've fallen in price .
- 这就像不要因股价下跌就完全放弃投资股票一样。
- So is ubuntu abandoning the desktop , or laptop market ?
- 那么,ubuntu是否在放弃台式机和笔记本市场呢?
- But loosening it does not necessarily mean abandoning plans for spending cuts .
- 但将财政政策放宽并不意味着要放弃减少开支的计划。
- Abandoning afghanistan risks civil war and ultimately the collapse of the government in kabul .
- 放弃阿富汗意味着冒着内战和最终喀布尔政府垮台的风险。
- At times he seems recklessly sanguine about the economic impact of abandoning nuclear power .
- 有时候他似乎对放弃核能带来的经济后果充满了盲目乐观。
- Yet there is little sign of committed consumers abandoning fairtrade products .
- 不过,几乎没有迹象表明忠诚的消费者会放弃公平贸易产品。
- Iran 's mullahs considered abandoning their nuclear ambitions and suing for peace .
- 伊朗的宗教领袖也在考虑放弃他们的核野心,祈求和平。
- Some even consider abandoning psychiatry altogether , hendin noted .
- hendin注意到一些人甚至考虑完全放弃精神病学。