
Zimmerman 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- ' It 's still a good market ' because a foreign-designed midsize sedan generates on average sales of about 10000 vehicles a month , mr. zimmerman said .
- 齐默曼说,这仍然是一个不错的市场,因为一辆外国设计的中型轿车平均每个月的销量大约为一万辆。
- Peter zimmerman from case western reserve university school of medicine spoke at the aaas meeting in washington on february 19th .
- 来自凯斯西储大学医学院的peterzimmerman在华盛顿召开的2月19日的美国科学促进会会议上发表演讲。
- He left mr. zimmerman 's own kidneys to shrivel harmlessly in place ( removing them would add to surgical risk ) .
- 而zimmerman自己的肾则留在里面任其无害地自然萎缩了(肾脏移除会增加手术风险)。
- In his hospital room before surgery , with seven family members shoehorned into every nook , mr. zimmerman calmed his nerves by listening to aaron neville on his ipod .
- 手术前,zimmerman先生的7个家人把他的病房塞得满满的,他为了放松自己紧张的情绪,便用ipod听aaronneville的歌。
- A state prosecutor in florida brought a murder charge against george zimmerman , a hispanic man , for the killing in february of trayvon martin , a black youth .
- 佛罗里达一名州检察官发起了针对一名叫乔治齐默尔曼的西班牙裔的谋杀指控,指控他于2月射杀了一名叫特雷冯马丁的黑人青年。
- He told mr. zimmerman that he will be officially charged during an arraignment hearing on may twenty-ninth .
- 他告诉齐默曼先生,他将在5月29日提审听证会期间被正式指控。
- Ms. zimmerman said she had a handful of customers who had been inspired to hold terrarium-making parties after watching the video on design sponge , buying soil , charcoal and rocks in bulk .
- zimmerman女士说有极少数的客户被“创意源”网站的视频激发了自制水晶球的热情,他们购买了大量的土壤、木炭和碎石等制作材料。
- On behalf of the association of ximalinnuo victims said they were summoned to the airbus zimmerman to appear before the survey are very satisfied with the decision .
- 代表遇难者的协会主席马林诺说,他们对齐默尔曼传唤空客公司出庭接受调查的决定感到非常满意。
- Peugeot is growing sales mostly by introducing new models and expanding its dealer network , mr. zimmerman said .
- 齐默曼说,标致提高销量的主要途径是引进新的车型以及扩大经销商网络。
- Many have speculated that the police thought that the existence of the law would impede mr zimmerman 's prosecution .
- 许多人推测,警方认为该法会阻碍起诉齐默尔曼。