Weibo 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Will egypt kill sina weibo ?
- 埃及是否会封杀新浪微博?
- Other weibo users were more cynical .
- 其他微博用户更加愤世嫉俗。
- Sina weibo user number soars .
- 新浪威博用户数量迅猛增长。
- Not everything on weibo is easy and casual .
- 微博上的每件事并不都是容易和随便的。
- Why is medal reward system existed in sina weibo ?
- 为何新浪微博里会有勋章奖赏系统呢?
- Sina weibo and yili spokesmen could not be reached for comment monday .
- 周一记者无法联系到新浪微博和伊利的发言人置评。
- Reacting to news of the new book , some users of the twitter-like microblogging service sina weibo posted photos of their favorite translation errors .
- 《美食译苑》出版的消息发布后,部分新浪微博用户把他们喜爱的错误译法的照片放到了网上。
- The app directly from the weibo post .
- 这是韩寒新软件的截图。
- The news first appeared on the chinese microblogging site weibo , posted saturday under the official
- stewardessnetworkaccount.
- 该 消息 最初 由 官方 账号
- 空姐网周六在中文微博上发布。