
[vɪkˈtɔrɪən, -ˈtor-]

Victorian 变化形式
复数: Victorians
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- The genius caricatured as a chimp by victorian satirists issued a coded warning against defensive mergers .
- 被维多利亚时代的讽刺作家画成黑猩猩的达尔文,对防御性的合并发出了一个谶言。
- For many , women and the poor for example , these victorian values could be pretty stultifying in their effects .
- 对于很多人,比如女人和穷人,这些维多利亚时代的价值观可能非常的单调乏味。
- His beliefs were reinforced by study of walter bagehot , a victorian writer and editor of the economist .
- 对沃尔特白芝浩的研究(维多利亚时代的作家,经济学家的主辑)增强了他的信念。
- It stems from the victorian plant-hunters who travelled the world bringing back plant cuttings .
- 它们是由维多利亚时代的植物采集者,在环游世界后带回的植物枝条繁衍而来。
- The victorian homes stretched along sorrento 's waterfront are shuttered and vacant for most of the year .
- 沿着索伦托海滨伸展开来的维多利亚时代的房子在一年的大多数时间都是空的,门窗紧闭。
- While the seaside is still popular with holidaymakers , few now go on two-week holidays to fading victorian resorts .
- 然而沿海地区仍受长途度假者的欢迎,如今很少有人会去花两个星期到衰退的维多利亚时代的度假胜地度假。
- Surprisingly women of this era have opinions and a knowledge of the facts of life that were denied to later victorian women .
- 令人吃惊的是这个时代的女性对于生活有自己的认识和想法,但是这种想法并不为后来维多利亚时代的女性所认可。
- On the front was a picture of a victorian couple , holding hands and looking out over a snowy backyard as candles glowed around them .
- 封面是一幅维多利亚时代的夫妇手牵着手,望着被雪覆盖的后花园,蜡烛围着他们闪烁。
- The thames had been reborn , starting from when joseph bazalgette , a victorian engineer , began to build sewers that diverted the filth downstream .
- 从一个维多利亚时代的工程师,约瑟夫巴泽尔杰特开始建造下水管道,导流污水开始,泰晤士河就获得了新生。
- Meanwhile other bits of the city 's infrastructure are similarly decrepit : its water pipes are antique ; its sewage network is victorian .
- 与此同时,伦敦基础设施的其他部分也照样年久失修了:水管成了古董了,污水处理系统是维多利亚时代的。