tunas 变化形式
易混淆的单词: Tunas
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- He also urged regulators such as the international commission for the conservation of atlantic tunas to press fishing companies to release data on what they caught and where .
- 他还敦促相关协调者比如保护大西洋金枪鱼国际委员会对渔业公司施压,要求他们公开捕鱼记录,说明他们都捕到了什么,是在哪里捕到的。
- Although most of their scales have been lost , tunas and mackerels retain a patch of coarse scales near the head called the corselet .
- 尽管金枪鱼和鲭鱼失去了大部分的鱼鳞,但是还是在头部保存下来一小块粗糙的鳞叫做胸衣。
- Libya has informed the international commission for the conservation of atlantic tunas ( iccat ) of its intention to allow fishing for bluefin in its waters this season , which lasts from mid-may to mid-june , despite having no agreed fishing plan for the season .
- 利比亚已经通知保护大西洋金枪鱼国际委员会(iccat)要求本渔季准许其在自己的领海捕捞鳍金枪鱼,这段时间从5月中旬起到7月中旬止,但该委员会未曾批准过这一渔季的任何捕捞计划。
- These species consist of the so-called principal market tunas and some billfishes .
- 这些品种包括所谓的主要市场金枪鱼和一些旗鱼。
- The bluefin was supposed to have been managed by an intergovernmental body , the international commission for the conservation of atlantic tunas ( iccat ) . But this was so stunningly bad at the job that it was dubbed the international conspiracy to catch all tuna .
- 蓝鳍金枪鱼本应归大西洋金枪鱼类保护国际委员会(iccat)管理,但他们做的太糟了,被人们起绰号叫做“阴谋捞尽金枪鱼国际委员会”(英文缩写也是iccat)。
- Tunas , mackerels , and billfishes have made streamlining into an art form .
- 金枪鱼、青花鱼和剑鱼都使流线型变成了一种艺术形式。
- Most tunas and billfishes have a series of keels and finlets near the tail .
- 许多的金枪鱼以及长喙鱼类在尾部都有一系列的龙骨脊和小鳍。