

Thetis 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- All the gods and goddesses sat around the table to celebrate the marriage of thetis and peleus .
- 男女众神围坐在桌旁庆贺忒提斯和派留司的婚礼。
- Achilles was the son of thetis and peleus , the bravest hero in the trojan war , according to greek mythology .
- 在希腊神话中,阿喀琉斯是西蒂斯和珀琉斯之子,特洛伊战争中最勇敢的英雄。
- But when thetis , achilles 's mother , dipped her baby in the river styx to give him the gift of invulnerability , she had to hold him somewhere .
- 然而,当阿基里斯的母亲希迪斯,把她的孩子阿基里斯泡入冥河水以获取刀枪不入的能力时,她必须抓住他身体的某个部分。
- Thetis ordering the nereids to descend into sea .
- 西提斯命令涅瑞伊得斯沉入海中。
- Thetis , tears in her eyes , smiles bravely .
- 西蒂斯饱含热泪,却坚强的笑着。
- Thetis bringing armor to achilles .
- 西提斯把铠甲带给阿喀琉斯。
- Thetis entreating jupiter to honor achilles .
- 西提斯恳求朱庇特给阿喀琉斯以荣耀。