Tak 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Who is this uncle tak ?
- 德叔是什么人?
- What 's wrong with tak kee ?
- 德记是怎么搞的?
- South east kowloon development at kai tak airport - decontamination and site preparation .
- 在启德机场原址进行的九龙东南发展计划净化及地盘整理工程。
- Party landed at kai tak airport . Assistant director and two officials escorted godber to a helicopter which flew to hms tamar and they were then transferred to the central court .
- 抵达香港启德机场,助理处长及两名随行人员把葛柏押解到直升机上,先飞添马舰,再转送中央裁判署。
- Going to canton ? Going to shun tak ?
- 你上广州的吗?你返顺德的吗?
- We w tak and maybe you ; get your thoughts straght .
- 我们会谈谈,也许你会简单点得到你的想法。
- How long will it tak to finish evacuating the campus ?
- 疏散完整个校园得花多少时间?
- They didn 't tak e away the anguish nor the pain .
- 并没有赶走任何痛苦和烦恼。
- But that tak es time too .
- 不过那很费时间.
- Tak ching court , near castle peak catholic primary school , tuen mun .
- 屯门德政围近青山天主教小学。