Stan 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Stan richardson is highly recommended .
- 我极力推荐stanrichardson的音乐。
- I feel like stan van gundy and my mom conspired to make this happen , and I don 't like it .
- 我觉得这是我妈和斯坦范甘迪一起让这样的事情发生的,而且我并不喜欢这样。
- He also tapped army general stan mcchrystal as his new afghan commander to develop a new strategy to win the war .
- 他还任命了陆军上将斯坦.麦克利斯特为新的阿富汗指挥官以制定新战略来打赢这场战争。
- Stan 's buildings are largely hollow , with just a few structural supports - also made from the toothpicks he buys direct from a wholesaler .
- 斯坦的建筑大多为空心,只有少数几个支撑结构,这些支撑结构也是用他直接从一个批发商那里购买的牙签制作的。
- During the producers guild awards , which took place at the beverly hilton hotel , the two were spotted chatting with comic book legend stan lee .
- 在贝弗利希尔顿酒店举办的美国制片人工会奖颁奖典礼上,他们俩曾与漫画传奇人物斯坦李亲切地交谈。
- Hardly anybody now remembers mods and rockers , but stan prefigured all moral panics of the last 40 years .
- 摩登派和摇滚派如今已被淡忘,但过去40年内所有的道德恐慌都没有超出科恩设想的模式。
- Meanwhile the moral panics that stan always hoped would erupt - over genocides , or torture - never do .
- 与此同时,科恩一直希望出现的针对种族灭绝或酷刑的真正的道德恐慌却从未出现。
- Suitable folk devils , stan noted , tend to be " both highly visible and structurally weak " .
- 科恩提到,适合作为“民间恶魔”的群体倾向于“引人注目,在结构上虚弱”。
- We designed and commissioned the bed from stan pike , a local master blacksmith .
- 床是我们自己设计的,请本地的铁匠stanpike制作。
- He had reckoned without stan williams , senior fellow at the hewlett-packard laboratories in palo alto , california .
- 但他忽略了stanwilliams一个在利福尼亚州帕洛阿尔托惠普实验室的高级研究员。