

n.检举人( prosecutor的名词复数 );告发人;起诉人;公诉人
prosecutors 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- They shared that information with prosecutors .
- 他们和起诉者共享着信息。
- State prosecutors are reviewing the evidence .
- 国家检察官正在审查相关证据。
- It wasn 't immediately clear whether prosecutors intend to appeal the verdict .
- 目前尚不清楚检方是否打算对判决提起上诉。
- Prosecutors have previously revealed problems with her credibility .
- 检方此前曾公布迪亚洛可信度存在的问题。
- Prosecutors fared better at a retrial in september .
- 检察官在九月的再审中表现更好一点。
- That did not mollify federal prosecutors .
- 但这并没有平息联邦检察官。
- The police will discuss with prosecutors and immigration officials how to handle the case .
- 日本警方将与检方和移民局官员就如何处理此事进行讨论。
- Mr campbell 's liberals and the opposition new democrats promised more police and prosecutors .
- 坎贝拉先生的自由党和反对派新民主党都保证会增加警力和公诉人。
- Police and prosecutors deny that the system is widely abused .
- 然而警方和原告都否认人们在很大范围内滥用了没收制度。
- He says this dissuades judges and prosecutors from jailing people without good reason .
- 他说,这样做就可以阻止法官和检查官在没有足够理由的情况下监禁囚犯。