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- But some clues suggested that the sendai region might be capable of greater violence .
- 但是也有一些线索表明仙台地区仍有可能发生更强烈的地震。
- But it was in sendai and adjacent coastal areas that the impact was strongest .
- 但受地震影响最大的,还是仙台市和附近的沿海地区。
- Television footage showed a tsunami wave bearing down on the japanese coastline near the community of sendai .
- 电视画面展示,一股海啸海浪冲击了仙台居民区附近的海岸沿线。
- Sendai city , miyagi prefecture where the county has asked japan to send sdf troops for rescue operations .
- 仙台市所在的宫城县县长,已经要求日本自卫队派遣士兵进行救援行动。
- Sendai airport was an island , more than a thousand passengers and workers stranded on the terminal roof .
- 仙台机场地处内陆,大约一千名旅客和工作人员被困在航站楼屋顶。
- Sendai , site of many happy pilgrimages for me , has also been pummeled .
- 仙台,一个承载了我多少欢乐历程的地方,同样遭受了灭顶之灾。
- Military units were in sendai on saturday , working at evacuation shelters or helping search-and-rescue teams .
- 周六,部队在仙台的避难场所工作,也帮助搜救组开展工作。
- Life in the middle of sendai appeared strangely routine monday , apart from the cracked buildings and closed shops .
- 除了破损的建筑和紧闭的商店以外,周一仙台市内的生活看上去正常得不可思议。
- Hundreds of cars and large parts of the area surrounding sendai airport were submerged as the tsunami flooded nearby waterways .
- 由于海啸冲毁了附近水道,在仙台机场周围有数百辆汽车和大片土地淹没在水中。
- Clues to rare , great earthquakes may be hidden there -- as it seems they were in sendai .
- 线索表明,那儿或许就隐藏着罕见的大地震,就像在仙台发生的一样。