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桑格(姓氏; Frederick, 1918-,美国生物化学家,曾获 1958年诺贝尔化学奖)

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David sanger of the new york times notes that mr donilon and the president appear to have the same general view on where the war in afghanistan fits into american priorities .
Sanger expects current sales targets to be easily met , and production may rise to 3 00000 annually within two years .
1921 Margaret sanger organizes the american birth control league , which becomes federation of planned parenthood in 1942 .
David e , sanger , who worked diligently with wikileaks under the banner of truth and transparency was also instrumental in the new york times " leak " of what gareth porter describes as fake intelligence .
But tim hubbard , of the sanger centre near cambridge , a leading figures in the public sequencing project , responded , " his figure is now untenable . "
Sbci wildlife ecologist melissa sanger is the lead author of the paper which is published in theinternational journal of ecology .
" Ordinary people carry disease-causing mutations without them having any obvious effect , " said dr chris tyler-smith , a lead researcher on the study from the wellcome trust sanger institute , cambridge .
" This achievement effectively closes the book on an important volume of the human genome project , " said dr simon gregory who headed the sequencing project at the sanger institute in england .
Sanger and her team call for development of more protected areas that are aligned with climate predictions and for the creation of corridors to reduce fragmentation .
Whether banks would then be able to devise schemes to get around the tax by increasing salary or deferring bonuses for another year raised additional complexity , mr sanger said .