Rodney 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Rodney bolt 's full report on floriade 2012 appears in the discover section of the sunday telegraph this weekend .
- 罗德尼波特关于2012花展的完整报告刊登在了这周星期日电讯报的发现专栏。
- Rodney brooks says all our vehicles are slowly becoming robots , not just machines
- 罗德尼-布鲁克斯说;我们的所有车辆都将逐渐成为机器人,而非仅仅是机械。
- Al czervik ( rodney dangerfield ) to his stock broker while playing golf .
- 阿尔泽维克(罗德尼丹泽菲尔德饰)在玩高尔夫时对他的股票经纪人说的话
- The rate of growth fell every year between 2002 and 2009 , note david knott and rodney zemmel of mckinsey & company , a consultancy .
- 咨询公司麦肯锡的davidknott和rodneyzemmel写道:2002年到2009年期间,增长率每年都在下跌。
- A good deal has changed in brixton , a south london district , since eta rodney bought her victorian terraced house in 1980 .
- 自从1980年埃塔罗德尼在布伦敦南部的布里克斯顿买下了一处维多利亚式平房后,这些发生了巨大的变化。
- He began work on new material at grouse lodge with will . I. am and rodney jerkins , producers who flew in from america .
- 杰克逊在这里和从美国飞来的音乐制作人黑眼豆豆合唱团的will.i.am以及罗德尼杰金斯一起开始为他的新作品工作。
- Gus said he had to go check out a smell in the crawl space . He set a bottle in front of rodney , along with a pen and cocktail napkin .
- 格斯说他要去核查一下管线槽隙的气味,然后放了一瓶酒、一支钢笔以及一块鸡尾酒餐巾纸在罗德尼面前。
- Rodney schmidt of standard chartered suggested that if oil prices continued to fall , oil companies could face growing difficulties .
- 渣打银行的罗德尼施密特(rodneyschmidt)暗示,如果油价持续下跌,石油公司可能面临更多困难。
- She said , " you could write on your hand , instead of cocktail napkins . " She sneered at rodney .
- 她对这罗德尼冷笑道:“你应该写在手上,而非餐巾纸上。”
- " Fast , cheap , and out of control " began appearing on buttons of engineers at conferences and eventually made it to the title of rodney brooks 's provocative paper .
- “快速、廉价、失控”的口号最早出现在会展中工程师的胸牌上,后来罗德尼布鲁克斯将之用于自己那篇引起轰动的论文的标题中。