

Henan 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- It also affected henan province , the government news agency said .
- 新华社说这起事故也影响到河南省。
- The consolidation drive is moving to henan , another big producing province .
- 另一个产煤大省河南也在开展行业整合行动。
- The problem is particularly acute in the poor rural hinterlands of henan and elsewhere in china .
- 奴工问题在河南和其他省份偏僻而贫穷的农村地区尤其严重。
- Dr zhang estimated that a further 130000 in henan got the virus from transfusions in hospitals .
- 张医生估计,在河南还有13万人通过医院输血感染了病毒。
- Different from other inland provinces , henan does not have any meaningful electronics manufacturing presence yet .
- 与其它内陆省份不同的是,河南迄今没有任何重要的电子制造业项目。
- The henan native came to zhili because he heard he could make a good living there .
- 这个河南人之所以来到织里,是因为他听说在这里可以过上好日子。
- Other ministries and local governments , including in henan and liaoning provinces , invite him to speak .
- 其他部委以及包括河南和辽宁省在内的地方政府则邀请他发表演讲。
- Henan airlines couldn 't be reached to comment .
- 记者无法联系到河南航空置评。
- Henan airlines primarily operates regional flights .
- 河南航空公司主要运营地区航线。
- Henan airlines grounded all flights for three days .
- 河南航空公司所有航班将停飞三天。