Reflective objects are often the hardest to light and of these jewelry is the most time-consuming .
Reflective teaching is a striking theory of training teachers throughout the world in recent years .
In its case the models try to mimic the effects of things like putting veils of reflective particles into the stratosphere , or brightening the clouds over the oceans .
It 's not a proposition to be explained , understood , taken seriously to its logical limits , or reflective of market failures that should be addressed directly .
If stock prices were wholly reflective of changes in economic variables , movements in asset prices could be modelled as endogenous and given little attention .
Organizations need to think about an overall strategy of building service-based architectures , and creating digital representations reflective of their services .
Step six is self reflective .
Is happiness at work reflective of the workplace , or is it more a matter of the individual ?
Notice how the flowers pop against the reflective vase .
I illustrate this through various artistic processes that act as both reflective and connective forces between people and the environment they inhabit .