
v.(给建筑物的内部)再装修( redecorate的现在分词 )
redecorating 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- I am thinking about redecorating our house .
- 我想要重新装修一下我们的房子。
- I 'm thinking about redecorating my bedroom .
- 我正在考虑重新装修我的卧室。
- We wish you a fun time redecorating !
- 我们祝你快乐的时光重新装修!
- They went to all the expense of redecorating the house and then they moved .
- 他们不惜一切代价重新装饰这房子,可后来又搬走了。
- Well , the office needs tidy up . It really needs redecorating . I do not suppose you can get that done ?
- 唔,这间办公室需要整理一下。它确实需要重新装饰了。我想你办不了这件事吧?
- You can make changes through renovations , redecorating , moving furniture around , or even changing residences -- and as a result , you 're happier and so is everyone else .
- 你可以翻修、重新装饰、移动家具,甚至改换住所。如此之后,你会变得开心,其他人也是。
- After all the time I spent redecorating ?
- 在我花了那么多时间重新装扮这里之后?
- We 're thinking about redecorating our apartment .
- 我们想重新布置我们的公寓。
- L heard about you redecorating dwain 's apartment .
- 听说你重新装潢杜恩的公寓。
- It 'd certainly need redecorating .
- 这里当然也要重新装修。