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- Mr murdoch , his son james and rebekah brooks , chief executive of news corp 's uk newspaper group , were also invited to appear before a parliamentary committee next week .
- 一个议会委员会还要求鲁珀特默多克、其子詹姆斯默多克(jamesmurdoch)以及新闻集团英国报业集团首席执行官丽贝卡布鲁克斯(rebekahbrooks)下周接受质询。
- Rebekah brooks , former editor of the sunday tabloid and now chief executive of news international , mr murdoch 's uk newspaper group , said she would attend the hearing .
- 周日小报《世界新闻报》前主编、现任新闻集团旗下英国子公司新闻国际(newsinternational)首席执行官的丽贝卡布鲁克斯(rebekahbrooks)表示她将出席聆讯。
- More than 80 people have been arrested in connection with phone hacking , including rebekah brooks , a former boss of news international , its british newspaper division , who appeared in a london court on september 26th on conspiracy charges .
- 与电话窃听相关的80余人已被逮捕,包括新闻国际英国报纸分部的前老板丽贝卡布鲁克斯,于9月26日被指控阴谋罪,出现在了伦敦一家法庭。
- James murdoch revealed that he had a " tiny side conversation " with mr cameron about the bskyb bid at a christmas dinner at the home of rebekah brooks , the former news international chief executive , on december 23 2010 .
- 詹姆斯默多克透露,2010年12月23日,他和卡梅伦在新闻国际(newsinternational)前首席执行官丽贝卡布鲁克斯(rebekahbrooks)家共进圣诞晚宴时,曾就收购bskyb一事进行过“一点私下交流”。
- Rupert murdoch could not rescue rebekah brooks , who is scheduled to go on trial in september , 2013 , charged with " conspiracy to commit misconduct in public office , " three counts of phone hacking , and three counts of conspiracy to subvert justice .
- 鲁珀特默多克无法挽救预定在2013年9月受审的丽贝卡布鲁克斯,她被控犯有“串谋公职人员渎职罪”、3起电话窃听罪和3起串谋破坏司法公正罪。
- Eliezer had to pay a price to get rebekah to come back with him and marry isaac .
- 以利以谢需要有所付出才能把利百加带回来,并让她嫁给了以撒。
- What a missed opportunity for rebekah to have .
- 对利百加来说,失去了多么可惜的机会可以。
- Then rebekah and her maids got ready and mounted their camels and went back with the man .
- 利百加和她的使女们起来,骑上骆驼,跟着那仆人,仆人就带着利百加走了。
- Rebekah brooks , news international 's chief executive , told staff this week that it was inconceivable she knew of the alleged phone hacking when she was editor of the news of the world .
- 利百加-布鲁克斯,新闻国际的行政主管,本周告诉员工,当她还是《世界新闻报》的编辑的时候,得知被指控电话窃听简直不可思议。
- Least believable : that rebekah would jump back into bed with damon , that caroline would let a new vampire just get up and leave , that meredith dislikes mustard or that anyone would love finn ?
- 最扯淡的事:瑞贝卡会和达蒙再一次滚床单,卡洛琳让一个新吸血鬼独自离开,梅丽德丝不喜欢芥末,还是有人会爱芬?