It calls the primary constructor , passing the label and a new list to wrap the single callback .
To simplify things , we 'll start with a single callback that counts the number of button clicks .
So , let 's create a trait that implements this pattern , then use it to handle callback behavior .
When the mouse is dragged , the mouse event in the mousedragged callback gives us the x and y co-ordinates of the mouse pointer .
There are three seperate ways to receive json data via ajax . Assignment , callback , and parse .
The primary constructor , which is the body of the entire class , has a parameter list that takes a label string and a list of callback functions .
Take a close look at the code for the first three examples and you 'll see that I use the ajax callback function to trigger the slidedown and show effects .
This separation is difficult to do in java , even if we define an interface for the callback behavior . We still have to embed the implementation code in the class somehow , compromising modularity .
In our example , we can define the callback abstraction in a trait , as in a java interface , but we can also implement the abstraction in the trait ( or a derived trait ) .