In a video for the bbc , rawlings showcased his fluency or near-fluency in 11 languages including english , greek , german , spanish , russian , dutch , afrikaans , french , hebrew , catalan and italian .
Rawlings understood what we were doing and the potential for his ideas so we had to be very careful not to make it a propaganda film for him .
So while I 'm delighted ali and I were able to show rawlings as much of iraq as we did , I cannot with any degree of certainty promise that his next trip will be so inspiring .
Jerry rawlings , a former military dictator who went on to become a democratic president of ghana and a national hero , cuts a central figure in the film .
But the last time I was in this area , in early 2005 , my main fear was being killed by someone like rawlings !
I liked rawlings and respected the fact that after seizing power in a military coup he was elected and reelected president and was committed to relinquishing his office in 2000 .
This big name in consumer products , with brands including coleman , sunbeam , mr. coffee , rawlings , and first alert , saw earnings per share increase by over 20 % in 2012 .