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- Rabin and arafat showed both vision and guts in consenting to come and speak .
- 拉宾和阿拉法特同意出席仪式并发言,这显示了他们的远见和胆识。
- We had a meeting and dinner with prime minister netanyahu , lit candles on a menorah for hanukkah , and visited rabin 's grave with his family .
- 我们与内塔尼亚胡总理会晤并共进晚餐,在光明节上点燃大烛台的蜡烛,与拉宾的家人共同拜谒了他的墓地。
- At the time , it was a gamble for both rabin and arafat , who couldn 't be sure how their people would react .
- 然而在当时,这对拉宾和阿拉法特两人来说都是在赌博,因他们无法确定他们国家的人民会作何反应。
- Rabin had done the reverse .
- 拉宾做的正好相反。
- That covenant was prime minister rabin 's life 's work .
- 这个契约是拉宾总理毕生的心血。
- Back in 1972 , yitzhak rabin was accused of favouring the republicans .
- 早在1972年,拉宾被指责偏袒共和党。
- As soon as our meeting and the obligatory press conference were over , I flew to israel to tell rabin what I 'd learned .
- 我们的会谈和必须参加的新闻发布会一结束,我就飞往以色列,把我了解到的情况告诉给拉宾。
- When the race between cheats and their pursuers began in the run-up to the mexico city games , dr rabin recalls , amphetamines were the big fear .
- 拉宾博士回忆当年墨西哥城奥运会前夕作弊者和审查者之间的竞赛刚开始时,安非他明是很大的一个忧虑。
- He was also paranoid , telling me he was sure rabin 's assassination was the result of betrayal by someone in his security service .
- 他还是多疑成性,告诉我说,他敢肯定拉宾的被刺是安全部门里有人叛变的结果。
- When rabin extended his hand , the crowd let out an audible gasp , followed by thunderous applause , as they completed the kissless handshake .
- 当拉宾伸出手时,人群发出了一声听得见的深呼吸,然后就是雷鸣般的掌声,两位领导人完成了不带亲吻的握手。