

n.资格,条件;合格证书( qualification的名词复数 );资格;条件;限制
qualifications 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- But qualifications don 't guarantee excellence .
- 但专业资格并不能保证能力优秀。
- And the best leaders possess great willpower rather than qualifications and sensitivity .
- 最好的领导者拥有强大的意志力,而不是资格和敏感度。
- Most mba students possess the qualifications to work at top firms .
- 大多数mba学生都具备在顶级公司工作的资质。
- Accurate disclosure of professional qualifications is especially critical for patients with psychiatric illness .
- 医生提供准确的资历信息对于保护精神病患者尤其重要。
- That figure compares the hourly wage of full-time workers with similar qualifications and experience .
- 这一数据比较的是资历相似的全职工人的时薪。
- Inequality and lack of access to education and qualifications prevent and hinder the majority .
- 教育资源和机会的不足以及资历都阻碍了大量的人前进。
- Avon does not demand any formal qualifications ; only a warm smile and a start-up fee of 75 rand .
- 雅芳公司并不要求任何的正式资历,只要求有热情的笑容和一笔75兰特的开办费用。
- Others asked for more details on what qualifications were needed to be a hangman .
- 另外一些人询问关于当一个刽子手需要什么资格证书等更多的有关细节。
- In a tussle over the sale of poland 's largest insurer , they replaced the firm 's boss with a candidate who lacks the usual qualifications .
- 在波兰最大保险公司收购权的争夺之中,他们用一个缺乏基本专业资质的竞争者取代了公司老板的位子。
- Critics of my proposal will protest that qualifications , not country of origin , should determine who is right for the job .
- 对我的建议持批评态度的人会反驳说,谁适合当老师,这应该由资质而不是国别决定。