Schr dinger 's cat trapped in a cosmic purgatory helped illustrate the paradoxes of quantum mechanics .
The pacemaker bought my parents two years of limbo , two of purgatory and two of hell .
I turned off my phone , caged myself in my office , and went through the purgatory of cramming the summation of a student 's alleged education into a weekend .
Hand over your money went tetzel 's sales pitch and you can ensure that your dead relatives are not stuck in purgatory .
With only a couple feet of visibility in any direction , it was a vision of purgatory or possibly the further frominsidious , with no restaurants or carnival rides in sight .
Those who believed , before copernicus , that the sun goes round the earth are not regarded as charlatans , even if the clerics who subsequently tried to stop the newer idea being accepted are usually consigned to intellectual purgatory .
He is then led up through purgatory , and , in the final poem , to paradise , where he meets a transfigured vision of beatrice , the girl he had loved in florence as a young man .
This crude commercialisation of the doctrine of indulgences encapsulated in tetzel 's slogan - " as soon as the coin in the coffer rings so the soul from purgatory springs " - was to luther " the pious defrauding of the faithful " and a glaring symptom of the need for broad reform .