Placer 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Research on flotation separation of ilmenite , rutile , monazite and zircon from beach placer
- 海滨砂矿中钛铁矿、金红石、独居石与锆英石浮选分离的研究
- Study on the relationship between humic acid of swamp forest and forming of gold placer
- 森林沼泽景观区腐殖酸与砂金矿床的成因关系研究
- Reasonable prospecting method is a key to localizing and evaluating gold placer in selva .
- 合理的找矿方法是热带雨林地区砂金矿床定位评价的关键。
- Excavation of Qin People Tombs at the Sanmenxia Municipal Judicial Bureau and Corundum Placer Plant
- 三门峡市司法局、刚玉砂厂秦人墓发掘简报
- A study of the inheritance about source of recent placer gold in Southeastern Guizhou
- 黔东南现代砂金物源继承性研究
- the type and typomorphic characteristics of the placer minerals have obviously property in the inheritance ;
- 重砂矿物的种类、标型特征具有明显的继承性;
- The associated minerals are the important indicator of the genesis and enrichment of placer gold .
- 伴生矿物是砂金成因和富集规律的重要指示标志。
- The checking computation of structural size of gold dredge in mining of gold placer
- 砂金矿采金船开采结构尺寸验算
- We also point out why bulldozer-scraper is fit for placer gold mining in permafrost area .
- 并指出推土机和铲运机(包括它们与其它采掘机械联合的开采工艺)较适合永久冻结砂金矿的开采.
- Discourse the Metallogenic Geologic Feature of Placer Gold and Its Development of Changjiang Headwater
- 试论长江上游砂金矿成矿地质特征及开发