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- A researcher at the university of nebraska looked at chicken soup and its effect on inflammatory cells in a petri dish .
- 内布拉斯加州大学的一名研究人士观察到鸡汤在皮式培养皿中对炎症细胞产生了效用。
- The plan is a petri dish for a potentially much bigger investment pool .
- 这个计划是日本未来潜在的更大规模联合投资组织的试金石。
- Gather and yun put human embryonic kidney cells into a petri dish and then added the dna that encodes for gfp to the cells .
- 盖泽和云把人类肾细胞放进派翠盘子,然后将荧光蛋白质的dna加入这个细胞里。
- I 'm not talking about making something that oozes out of a petri dish like a broken lava lamp blob .
- 我并不仅是在讨论制造一些从像破败的熔岩灯的培养皿中溢出的东西。
- Mr newsom has tried to turn it into a petri dish for new-media and biotech companies .
- 纽森尝试将其变为新媒体和生物技术公司的培养皿。
- When tested in petri dishes , the new molecules were as good as their precursors .
- 在培养皿实验中,修饰后的分子与其前体一样有效。
- After a few hours dividing in a petri dish , researchers implanted the cloned embryo into a surrogate mother .
- 经过培养皿中几个小时的细胞分裂后,研究人员把克隆胚胎植入代孕狗妈妈的身体里。
- Sir alexander flemingnoticed that a growth of mold in a petri dish resisted bacteria .
- 亚历山大弗莱明爵士注意到一个培养皿中的培养霉能抵抗细菌。
- And the petri sample is beginning to spread : the hong kong monetary authority delivered its first lot of renminbi banknotes to taipei in october .
- 同时,试验样本正不断扩大:去年10月份,香港金管局(hkma)向台北提供了首批人民币现钞。
- A pair of house members , connecticut democrat joe courtney and wisconsin republican tom petri , are getting ready to introduce legislation that would greatly expand the program by opening its doors to tens of thousands of veterans of all ages .
- 康涅狄格州民主党人乔科特尼和威斯康辛州共和党人汤姆佩特里这两对议院成员正准备采用相关立法:通过向成千上万不同年龄段的退伍军人开放此计划来极大地扩展它。