

abbr.prostatic adenocarcinomas 前列腺[腺]癌;peptide-acridine conjugates 肽-吖啶结合物;polycyclic aromatic compounds 多环芳香化合物;petrous apex cephaloceles 岩骨尖脑膨出

PACs 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释

A candidate 's former staff members can ( and often do ) run super pacs backing them , and the candidates themselves can appear at the super pac 's fund-raisers .
The president 's reelection campaign has struggled to match the amount of money collected by republican super pacs .
In theory , super pacs must reveal who their donors are . But the requirement is easy to evade .
The system that prevailed before the supreme court blessed super pacs was just as despised , mr smith points out .
As the telescope scanned the sky , the spacecraft 's spectral and photometric imaging receiver , spire , and photoconductor array camera and spectrometer , pacs instruments snapped the pictures .
In these seats you have to overcome the tremendous advantages ( in most years ) that an incumbent has -- such as name identification , congressional staff , the ability to raise millions of dollars from pacs and party organizations and the experience of having run before .
Moreover , in previous elections , the weaker candidates would have been forced to drop out by now as their funding dried up . But this time changes in the campaign-finance rules allow rich benefactors to sustain a candidacy more or less single-handedly via supportive " super pacs " .
These groups are supposedly independent of the candidates , and so are not subject to the limits ( of just $ 2500 per donor ) placed on donations to their campaigns , even though super pacs are often run by close confidants .
A goldman spokesman said , ' donations are made by individual employees according to their own views . ' Goldman is prohibited by law from making corporate donations to political candidates ; the firm also has a rule against donating to super pacs and other independent entities .
Big companies can hire lawyers to help their pacs find their way through the maze , but the little guys get lost .