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- Ocampo has already indicated he will investigate alleged human rights abuses committed by forces belonging to both laurent gbagbo and alassane ouattara in ivory coast .
- 奥坎波已经表示他将调查分别属于洛朗巴博和阿拉萨内瓦塔拉的两派部队在科特迪瓦犯下的侵犯人权行为的指控。
- Mr ocampo should bow out gracefully .
- 奥坎波先生应绅士地退出争夺。
- Speaking to the financial times , mr ocampo said mr kim lacked appropriate experience .
- 奥坎波向英国《金融时报》表示,金辰勇缺乏适当经验。
- Muammar gaddafi 's brutal crackdown of a nationwide revolt against his oppressive leadership will also come under ocampo 's scrutiny .
- 对于穆阿迈尔卡扎菲残酷镇压全国性反压迫的行动,也将在奥坎波的审查之中。
- Ocampo has dubbed this the metamorphic style , and in his works the second image can sometimes be so subtle it is hard to discern without squinting .
- 奥坎波称这为变形风格,在其作品中的第二幅图像,有时不眯着眼仔细瞧,很难看出其中的美妙。