
Northamptonshire 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Almost everything a racing team needs can be found without leaving oxfordshire or northamptonshire .
- 一支车队所需要的每件东西,几乎都可以在牛津郡或北安普敦郡找到。
- Instead , from september , students at moulton school and science college in northamptonshire will be forced to wear black tailored trousers .
- 因此,从九月起,北安普敦郡的莫尔顿科学院的学生将被迫穿合身的黑色长裤。
- Chronic elderly isolation was brought to the fore earlier this year with the deaths of a northamptonshire husband and wife , whose bodies were found in their frozen home in the middle of britain 's coldest winter .
- 因为在英国最寒冷冬季,人们在北安普敦郡一间冰冻的房间里发现了一对夫妇的尸体,所以在今年早些时候,长期的老年孤立被摆到显要位置。
- The small dip between two hills in northamptonshire is home to a motorway service station and marks the unofficial boundary between the north and south of britain .
- 这个夹在北安普顿郡两座小山中间的小凹地有一个高速公路服务站,也是非官方的英国南北分界线。