
Nalanda 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- A bill has just snaked through india 's parliament calling for nalanda 's revival , at a likely cost of several hundred million dollars .
- 一项号召复兴那烂陀大学的议案刚刚几经曲折进入了印度国会议程,预计耗资将达几亿美元。
- And the project 's appeal is clear : nalanda offers both a glimpse of a glorious past and a chance of a bit of neighbourly collaboration .
- 那烂陀项目诱人前景也十分明晰:能让人看到过去的辉煌,同时为邻近国家间的区域合作提供了机会。
- George yeo , singapore 's foreign minister who is also on the mentor group , says nalanda matters to the whole region , not least because a translation of the lotus sutra , a religious text , by one of its monks is the basis for mahayana buddhism practised in east asia .
- 新加坡外交部长杨荣文也是导师团体之一,他说那烂陀重要性关系到整个区域,尤其因为那烂陀一个和尚翻译的妙法莲华经的宗教文本是东亚信奉的大乘佛教的基础。
- Prof sen said nalanda 's recreation would lead to a renaissance of indian learning that would draw students from all over the region .
- 他表示,重建那烂佗将促成印度学术的复兴,将吸引来自亚洲各地的学生。