
Marquez 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- For as long as it lasts , Donaire expects an exciting fight with Marquez trying to go for a knockout .
- 多奈尔很是期待比赛将会很精彩,因为马奎兹也寻求击倒帕奎奥。
- At the post-fight press conference Arum seemed fine with having Valero return to Texas or challenge JM Marquez in Mexico .
- 在赛后的新闻发布会上,阿鲁姆似乎很乐意让瓦雷罗接着在德州比赛或去墨西哥挑战马奎兹。
- Don 't forget his rival Juan Manuel Marquez .
- 但不要忘了他的对手胡安·曼纽尔·马奎兹。
- Both William Faulkner and Gabriel Garcia Marquez are famous writers in the world and the winners of nobel Prize for Literature .
- 威廉·福克纳、加西亚·马尔克斯都是世界上著名作家,诺贝尔文学奖获得者。
- Certainly this was intended to calm and reassure Marquez , who must have felt as though he were caught in a tornado .
- 当然,这话是为了安慰和鼓励马奎兹,要知道,他肯定已经在这一回合体验到了“龙卷风”。
- Marquez 's Literary Viewpoint and Artistic Technique
- 马尔克斯的文学观和创作方法
- Marquez : it is the second robbery of two we had , I think this one is more cleard than the first .
- 马奎兹:这是第二次被别人夺走胜利的果实,而且这一次比之前的都更加明目张胆,肆无忌惮。
- Gabriel Garcia Marquez allegedly told Gregory Rabassa that his English translation ofOne Hundred Years of Solitude was better than the Spanish original .
- 有传闻称,《百年孤独》作者加西亚·马尔克斯对格雷戈里·拉巴萨说,他的英文翻译比自己的西班牙原著更好。
- Marquez has that kind of timing.He knows how to feint , how to throw you off your game plan.And he 's also fast .
- 马奎兹能够抓时机,他懂得如何佯攻,如何打乱你的比赛预案,而且,他也具备速度。
- The key question is whether Marquez will be able to retain his usual hand speed and reflexes fighting at an unnaturally heavier weight .
- 关键是,在非自然的体重级别,马奎兹能否保持惯常的速度和灵活性。