When he has gotten into trouble , he has become another lyndon b. johnson , jimmy carter or bill clinton .
Lyndon johnson , motivated by a blend of ego and social consciousness , gave us an outsize great society .
In the 1960s president lyndon johnson could divert a fifth of america 's wheat crop to alleviate starvation in india .
Vice president lyndon johnson met mrs. kennedy at the airport .
Televised newscast images of these events outraged americans , and persuaded president lyndon b. johnson and congress to make voting rights legislation a priority .
But mr bush is also often described as the man who expanded government more than any president since lyndon johnson ; that was a legacy he could have avoided .
It is hard to even imagine how different the region we 're talking about today was back in 1959 when lyndon johnson proposed creating an institution where thinkers from east and west could come together .
Mister loomis believed voa should report about the war honestly , without censorship from the administration of president lyndon johnson .
When the indian monsoon failed in 1965 for example president lyndon johnson 's administration shipped one-fifth of the u. s. wheat crop to india successfully staving offfamine .