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- This week leon panetta , america 's defence secretary , has aired hopes that nato soldiers in afghanistan can finish their combat mission as much as 18 months early-by the second half of next year , rather than the end of 2014 .
- 本周,美国国防部长利昂怕内塔表示,希望在阿富汗的北约士兵能够尽可能地提前18个月完成作战使命即到明年的下半年,而不是2014年年末。
- The eminent university of chicago ethicist leon kass has argued that human cloning would be offensive in part because the clone would " not be fully a surprise to the world . "
- 芝加哥大学知名伦理学家利昂卡斯认为,人类克隆也许是冒犯,部分原因是克隆“对这个世界来说并不完全是一件意外的事情。”
- Dedication : this story is dedicated to my wonderful son , leon w. weed , 1971-1997 ; he was my inspiration for telling stories .
- 致谢:谨以此故事献给我最优秀的儿子利昂w.维迪(1971-1997),是他给了我讲故事的灵感,他是我的唯一。
- Us defense secretary leon panetta is already warning the nation 's security is in danger if pentagon budgets are cut .
- 美国国防部长利昂帕内塔也警告说,如果五角大楼的预算被削减的话,国家的安全就会处于危险境地。
- The free man is he who does not fear to go to the end of his thought . -- Leon blum
- 一个自由的人是不怕走到思考尽头的人.利昂.布鲁姆
- Leon agrees pointing to research demonstrating that exercise leads to varying decreases on visceral body fat ( the fat surrounding organs ) one of the key risk factors for developing type 2 diabetes .
- 利昂也表示同意,他指出,研究显示,锻炼导致不同程度减少内脏脂肪(在器官周围的脂肪),这种脂肪是患2型糖尿病的主要危险因素之一。
- Leon agrees , pointing to research demonstrating that exercise leads to varying decreases on visceral body fat ( the fat surrounding organs ) , one of the key risk factors for developing type 2 diabetes .
- 利昂也表示同意,他指出,研究显示,锻炼导致不同程度内脏脂肪(在器官周围的脂肪)量的降低,而这种脂肪是形成二型糖尿病的关键风险因素之一。
- Obama 's choices to oversee intelligence have apparently been briefed : dennis blair was confirmed on wednesday as the director of national intelligence ; the proposed director of the cia , leon panetta , faces his confirmation hearing next week .
- 奥巴马对于监督情报的选择,已然有了简短指示:丹尼斯布莱尔在周三被任命为国家情报主管;被提议的中情局局长利昂帕内塔也面临下周对他的确认听证会。
- As he prepares to hold his first meeting in washington today with leon panetta , us defence secretary , mr hammond will say in a speech it is in the interests of all nations " that the arteries of global trade are kept free , opening and running " .
- 哈蒙德今日将在华盛顿与美国国防部长利昂帕内塔(leonpanetta)举行首次会晤,届时他将发表讲话,称“保持全球贸易要道的自由、开放和畅通”符合所有国家的利益。
- Leon panetta , america 's defence secretary , seems worried .
- 美国国防部长利昂帕内塔有些担忧。