
monikers 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- But like previous pc monikers -- netbooks , for one -- the definition of what qualified as an " ultrabook " quickly became blurred . "
- 不过就像PC机曾经的别称一样(比如“上网本”),这种“超级本”的定义很快变得模糊不清。
- As one of google 's lead social researchers , he helped dream up the big idea behind the company 's new social network , google + : those flexible circles that let you group friends easily under monikers like " real friends " or " college buddies . "
- 作为谷歌(Google)顶尖的社交网络研究员,谷歌新社交网站Google+背后的理念很大程度上便出自他的创意:Google+中灵活的“圈子”功能使用户可以轻松把好友分成“挚友”或“大学哥们”。
- Yeah , I give all the fighters their monikers .
- 没错,所有拳手都有一个绰号。
- Jaden ( and its many offshoots ) , colt and zane are examples of american-born monikers for baby boys .
- 贾登(和它的许多分支),柯尔特和赞恩是为男婴在美国出生的绰号例子。
- The humble tomato boasts 790 different names , for example , while there are 600 different monikers for the oak tree and its varieties .
- 例如,毫不起眼的西红柿有790个不同的名字,与此同时,橡树及其变种有600个不同的名字。
- Several new species sport the monikers of folks their discoverers admire , including a very large , carnivorous pitcher plant named for naturalist and tv host sir david attenborough to mark his 80th birthday .
- 有些新物种是以发现者敬佩的人命名的,比如某个巨大的肉食瓶状叶植物就是以博物学家兼电视主持人大卫阿滕伯勒爵士命名的,以此纪念他的80岁生日。