Kwan 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- " This is the one area that they seriously want to get into , " said gordon kwan , analyst at mirae asset securities .
- 未来资产证券(miraeassetsecurities)分析师关荣乐(gordonkwan)表示:“这是一个他们真心想进入的领域。”
- L am kwan who was defeated by star .
- 我是被斯塔尔打败的库安。
- Ngai kwan martial art sports association limited registered information .
- 艺群国术体育会有限公司注册信息。
- There will be a shortage in 10 years ' time based on existing discoveries , " says mr kwan .
- 关荣乐表示:“按照现有的已探明储量判断,10年后将出现供应短缺。”
- This ancient healing technique connects the healer with uses the higher frequencies of the goddess kwan yin .
- 这古老疗愈技巧将疗愈者与使用更高女神观音的频率连接起来。
- White-collar beauty taekwondo kwan is a taekwondo kwan seized with first-class hall , first-grade talents , top-grade equipment , first-rate service .
- 上海白领丽人跆拳道馆是一家具有一流场馆、一流师资、一流设备、一流服务的跆拳道馆。
- Through an interpreter , north korean coach kim kwan min says he learned a lot from playing the u.s. women .
- 借助翻译,朝鲜队教练金光民称同美国女足对抗他学到了很多东西。
- Chang kwan came back to help meiling in the shop and she gave him more mantou .
- 常宽又去店里帮美玲,美玲给了他更多的馒头。
- Jilin fog jobs , snow sports , songhuahu , ula city , beishan temple kwan and manchu , korean folk customs , etc. some of the ringgit north characteristics .
- 吉林雾凇、冰雪体育、松花湖、乌拉古城、北山春季房展群及满族、朝鲜族民俗风情等构成了吉林特有的北方特色。
- Ms. wang is best known for her novel ' the song of everlasting sorrow , ' which won the chinese mao dun literature award in 2000 , and was adapted into the film ' everlasting regret ' directed by stanley kwan and produced by jackie chan .
- 王安忆最著名的小说是《长恨歌》(thesongofeverlastingsorrow),这部作品赢得了2000年茅盾文学奖,并被改编为电影《长恨歌》(everlastingregret),由关锦鹏执导,成龙担任监制。