

archly 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Investment bankers archly observe that judgments on which bit of the business is the casino ought to be withheld until the end of the credit cycle .
- 投资银行家敏锐地观察到那些对于带有赌博性质的商业活动的评判应当在信用中期末尾进行。
- The rulers of archly sunni and conservative saudi arabia , in particular , have long viewed iran as a dangerous rival .
- 尤其能伸能曲的逊尼派与保守的沙特阿拉伯统治者长期视伊朗为危险的对手.
- She caught his eye and smiled archly .
- 她一看到他在望着她便淘气地微微一笑。
- Then smile as archly as you like when I come again .
- 当我再来的时候,随便你怎样地狡笑吧。
- Archly the maiden smiled , and , with eyes overrunning with laughter .
- 少女顽皮地微笑,眼里溢出欢喜。
- The girl looked up archly at the indian , smiling with the innocence of a child , mingled with the interest of a woman .
- 姑娘调皮地看着印第安人,象小孩一样天真地笑了,在她的微笑中还流露出女人对这类事情的兴趣。