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- It was , says mark sutton of the centre for ecology and hydrology in edinburgh , the first serious human attempt at geoengineering the planet to bring about a desired goal .
- 位于爱丁堡的生态与水文研究中心的马克萨顿(marksutton)说,这是人类第一次在地球工程上为了一个明确的目标而进行的努力。
- That is my math teacher , mr. sutton .
- 那是我的数学教师sutton先生。
- Sutton seems to indicate that both are needed to be a successful leader of people in the 21st century .
- sutton似乎认为这两者是21世界人力资源领袖的成功要素。
- According to paul sutton , a geographer at the university of denver and frequent collaborator with the noaa team , measuring artificial lighting may in fact become one of the best ways for estimating how technology affects humanity 's entire ecological footprint on earth .
- 丹佛大学的地理学者保罗萨顿(paulsutton)经常与noaa合作,他表示观测人工光源事实上可能会成为估计科技对人类社会整体生态足迹最好的方式之一。
- I don 't think mads has any more scenes with sutton after that .
- 我觉得小麦在此之后和莎顿没什么对手戏了。
- So , on next week 's episode , we see ethan in his cell telling emma that something happened with sutton .
- 那么,在下一集中,我们会看到伊森在牢房中告诉艾玛,莎顿出事了。
- At first , we thought sutton was justmean girl-levels of nasty , but now we know better .
- 起初,我们以为莎顿不过就是《贱女孩》里那种讨厌的女孩,但是现在我们发现不止于此。
- After calming kristen down , emma pops on a pair of sporty sunglasses and heads over to ethan 's trailer to give him one last chance to come clean about what happened with sutton .
- 在让克里斯丁冷静下来之后,艾玛带上了一副运动太阳镜,直奔伊森的拖车,给他最后一次澄清与莎顿到底发生了什么的机会。
- Sutton never told her friends about thayerorethan , emma 's not filling the mercers in on her true identity , and alec ...... well , alec probably has more to hide than anyone !
- 莎顿从不向她的朋友们提及泰勒和伊桑,艾玛不知道莫舍尔太太的真实身份,至于埃里克,埃里克或许比任何人隐瞒的都要多!
- After returning from the world war ii , paul sutton meets victoria aragon , the beautiful daughter of a vineyard owner .
- 保罗沙顿刚从二战战场上归来,邂逅了美丽的葡萄园园主的女儿--维多利亚艾拉更。