

Kinshasa 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Today , the un 's world food program is also partnering with the kinshasa project .
- 今天,联合国世界粮食计划署也成为了金沙萨计划的参与者。
- A typical congolese peasant cannot afford the boat fare to kinshasa , let alone belgium .
- 一个典型的刚果农民付不起到金沙萨的船费,更不用说比利时。
- By midmorning , several election officials in kinshasa had been threatened by crowds of people with electoral cards but nowhere to vote .
- 上午过半时分,金沙萨的一些选举官员受到人群威胁,他们是手持选民证却无处投票的选民。
- Mr. wally gardens along one of kinshasa 's main arteries , in what used to be a vast , abandoned swath of weeds .
- wally的种植园是在金沙萨一条主干道的沿线,那里曾是一大片荒地,野草丛生。
- The heavens opened and the rain came down , turning kinshasa 's streets into rivers and cooling a sweaty election morning .
- 天像是开了一道裂缝将雨水泼洒下来,把金沙萨的街道变成了河流,让本来炎热的选举天的上午一下子凉了下来。
- The report predicts that lagos will be the largest african city by 2020 , followed by kinshasa , cairo , and luanda .
- 该报告预计,到2020年时,拉各斯将会成为非洲最大的城市,其次是金沙萨、开罗和卢安达。
- Kinshasa and lagos are the two african cities expected to grow the most , with each adding more than 6 million people by 2025 .
- 金沙萨和拉格斯是两个预计增长最快的非洲城市,到2025年,这两个城市预计将增加超过600万人口。
- Among them are brazzaville , khartoum and kinshasa .
- 其中有布拉柴维尔、喀土穆以及金沙萨。
- Travelling just 60 miles drive from the capital , kinshasa , can take about eight hours .
- 从首都金沙萨开出仅仅60英里,就要耗时八小时。
- The pair also hold rights on the congolese side of lake albert , but these have been the subject of much dispute with the government in kinshasa .
- 两家公司同时还拥有位于刚果境内的艾尔伯特湖畔的石油开采权,但他们就这一开采权同位于金沙萨的刚果政府争议不断。